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Q&A: What are these brown dots in my dog’s eye?
Q: Dr. Tofflemire, I noticed these brown dots on my dogs eye. I am looking for insight on what...
What To Know About Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Question: How do you know by examination if a 6-year-old cat has progressive retinal atrophy when...
6 Signs Your Pet May Have Allergies
Spring and summer are prime allergy seasons for people and pets alike. But, while you sniffle and...
When Your Pet Needs Emergency Surgery
The possibility of having to undergo clinical surgery, whether in the case of an emergency or...
A Guide to Keeping Your Cat’s Eyes Healthy
Much like ours, a cat’s eyes can be very sensitive and can easily be susceptible to infection or...
Managing Vision Loss in Senior Pets
With age, comes years of loyalty and love from your now senior pets. However, much like we are...
Your Best Friend Went Blind, Now What?
Consider the five traditional senses; smell, taste, touch, hearing, and sight. Nearly every dog...
Catching Pet Glaucoma before It’s Too Late
Glaucoma is an optical condition affecting not only humans but our dogs as well and can prove to...
5 Common Misconceptions That Are Harming Your Pet’s Eyes
Correctly diagnosing and managing ocular diseases can be difficult for pet owners and...
Eyedrops: Are more better?
One variable and subjective decision when managing animal eye diseases is how often to apply eye...